Monday, August 25, 2008


Maura: "Mommy, what is Sally's address?"
Me: "I don't know, where is her house?"
Maura: "Mommy, it's the invisible one, you know that!"
Me: "Why do you need her address?"
Maura: "She needs some new clothes, I need some money to send to her."
Me: "Can we send her invisible money?"
Maura: "Mommmmy"

So here is the letter. Sally is the one on the know the creepy one who looks like she is screaming. I think she is holding a balloon. But it could be an axe. I didn't ask.


Melanie said...

um. . . yikes. So much for her being gone for good. . .

Anonymous said...

sally is needy isn't she, is she ok in her new invisible home???

Spread goodness. said...

It is totally an ax! Watch your back at all times:)