Monday, August 25, 2008

Maura's 1st day of school

Today was Maura's first day of school...this pictures says it all. She wouldn't even let me walk her to the front door. "I can go myself, I don't need your help." She said she would just wander around until she found her class. I guess she found it. And she doesn't need me anymore.


Melanie said...

Geez. That's pretty independent! Just when you want them to be a little more self-sufficient, it swings to that kind of extreme.

Anonymous said...

ohhh she's growing up! what an independent little las' ha ha ha

Ashley said...

Have I ever told you how much I adore the Maura stories?! lol. That's why I'm naming one of my daughters Maura. Why would she need you with that darling bob and totally cool plaid skirt?! So so cute.