Thursday, July 24, 2008

Insomniacs Anonymous many of you know I suffer from a fairly extreme case of insomnia. For as long as I can remember I just can't seem to fall asleep. I remember being pretty young and going in to wake my dad up to tell him I couldn't sleep (seems kind of pointless, right?) And while it is only midnight and pretty early, I guarantee that three hours from now I will still be awake, just too tired to form coherent thoughts in my head or do anything other than be angry that I'm not asleep. So what is the problem? I'm not really sure. I have tried everything I can think of to convince my body it is time to sleep. I've tried sleeping pills, anti-anxiety pills, meditation, herbal remedies, self-hypnosis, exercise, music, no avail. I have even climbed into bed with my peacefully-sleeping children to try and absorb their peace of mind through osmosis. Rand (the husband) has offered to hit me over the head and I'm starting to think it isn't so that I will go to sleep, but so that I will stop complaining about not sleeping. It isn't that I am having any traumatizing events going on (usually, anyway)...most of the time I am worried about something ridiculous like aliens invading the planet (not the friendly green kind either, the really mean, probing kind) or a nuclear bomb or something else completely irrational. I just can't seem to shut my brain off. When I am exhausted in the morning Maura will ask me why I am so tired and when I tell her I didn't sleep and she will say "Just find the Off-Switch for your brain, that is what I do." So why does a 5-year old have this thing figured out and I don't?

Anyway, I am completely open to any suggestions anyone might have to help. Please tell me any ideas (other than pills and hard liquor...I've exhausted those options) that you think might help. Even if I don't know you very well or you stumbled across my blog somehow...just send any thoughts my way. Or maybe if you are a fellow insomniac we can start a support group. Or maybe that time would be better spent taking a nice nap...


Rachel said... overwhelming response. I guess I will go back to drinking until I pass out...

Aimee said...

OK, hear me out, I'm serious about this! I have a Chi machine, if you've never heard of it, check out this website
I totally don't believe in most things that claim to cure cancer and that sort of thing, but I LOVE my Chi machine, it just makes you feel good! If you've never tried it, you can borrow mine the next time we are headed that way to see Grandma or something.

Ashley said...

I don't have any advice - have Rand knock you out.

Rachel said...

Aimee, I am totally willing to try it...what does it do? Do you have insomnia too? I'm starting to think it runs in our family...darn Schaugaard genes!

Kalli Ko said...

what about getting plastered? drunks ALWAYS seem to sleep well.

bad idea?

i think not

Anonymous said...

self meditation! Or bang yourself with a frying pan till you pass out.

Chanin said...

Rachel, more evil bedtime stories. Read the little house on the prairie every night to Maura and I guarantee you'll both fall asleep! But Seriously,.. I hope you find an answer!

Spread goodness. said...

I am with the getting plastered thing. Always worked good for me in the past (wink, wink)!

Ryan Templeman said...

Every night about 2 hours before you want to fall asleep eat a Turkey-- or some form of Thanksgiving meal: stuffing, mashing potatoes, etc... then watch a Detroit Lions game from the 80's (not one with Barry Sanders), if you wanna crack open a cold one-- go for it; but regardless you should be asleep pretty quick.

Kelsey K. Hartley said...

Get a Chemistry text book. Worked for me. In 30 minutes you'll be drooling into the pages.