Kept calling Max by the wrong name this morning. Will start referring to him as "boy #2"
Tripped in my shoes 3 times today, in front of people. Tried to pull it off like I was just dancing , but was unsuccessful (must remember to pick up feet when walking).
Got into the wrong car at lunch. It wasn't even the same make or model, just the same color.
Completely forgot what floor I worked on. There are only 4, so it shouldn't be all that difficult.
Jumped when I saw the plastic grasshopper by my monitor (it has been there for 2 years).
Got caught mumbling to myself, very loudly.
Must go home. Must sleep.
I got into the wrong car once. The weird thing was locked. Same make and model and MY key opened their door. So, does that mean their key opened MY door? Don't by a Ford. :)
What's awesome is that you actually got IN the car. I've never made it that far ... yet.
Had my keys out to start the car and everything. Lock your cars people, and save me from some embarrassment!
I love your life.
This post made my day.
Thanks for a good laugh!
I'm just not sure that is much different than any other it?
Andrea, I was going to get mad, but I can't really get mad when you speak only the truth.
huh, i do think you need more sleep or something...
Em, don't judge me. You have a goat in your backyard.
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