Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Hate Today

And I hate all other days that say that they are friends with today. Or even if they say they just "occassionally hang out" with today but "it isn't very serious." I hate yesterday and tomorrow because they are too close to today and it's badness has rubbed off on them. I hate this post because it has the word "today" in it.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha your going to kill me:
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that's why it is called the present

-Kung Fu Panda

Andrea Templeman said...

Does that mean today you hate yesterday? Or do you still hate today...even though it's not the same today you were talking about before? This stresses me out...the same way time travel stresses me out! It's a bad cycle that never ends!!

Rachel said...

I don't particularly LOVE today either, so don't worry about the time-travel thing, just apply this to every single day.

Heidi said...

That made me laugh! Sorry to be insensitive! I hope this today was a little better than that today but don't we all have those days, and plenty of them, that are just no good. Hope you are feeling ok!