In case any of you are wondering what the hell happened to me (and even if you aren't) here's the lowdown:
I went in on Wednesday for some MINOR surgery. I have had endometriosis for a long time and it is really painful and it was a final surgery to remove the source of the pain. It was intended to be a same day surgery or at the most one night in the hospital. Well, when I woke up in recovery I knew it was bad. I had six doctors standing over me and one of them saying to the other "has anyone told her husband yet?" Not a good sign. It also felt like my innards were on fire, so that was another sign. Then some machines beeped, I was in and out of it and they took me to ICU. Yipee, my first stay in the hospital other than having babies and I get the ICU. Nice. I sorta got the story of what happened and it goes like was done and they were ready to sew me up but saw some internal bleeding. They didn't think much of it and were going to close me anyway but one surgeon said to the other "hey, isn't that a piece of her bowel hanging there, maybe we should check that out." So it seems that they "lacerated" or in other words, sliced two inches through the lower part of my intestines. Sound nice doesn't it? So they had to sedate me a whole bunch more and call in a surgeon to open my abdomen up all the way and fix me. I know it isn't pleasant to talk about, but man oh man bowel surgery hurts. I had five lovely days in the hospital where I wasn't allowed to see my kids. Then they took away all food. And then. Then they took away my pain medication. They gave me about the equivalent of tylenol for abdominal surgey. And I am not one of those people that "doesn't like pain pills." Bring me the pills, injections, whatever you've got and bring it fast or four letter words start flying. There were other complications with my heart and lungs and then finally today I was well enough to come home. With some pain pills. So nobody had to die.
So that is my story, I'm so glad to have made it out of it, I know it shouldn't have happened, but it could have been so much worse. And while I'm in pain (if someone asks me to rate it on a scale of one to ten, I will murder you) home is such a better place to heal. My nurses were nice, but here I get my own bed, get-well notes pushed under the door, stuffed animals tucked under my chin while I'm sleeping, and Lars' potato soup brought to me. I still have a ways to go to get better...but I will get there.
Thanks for all of your calls, emails, texts, flowers, and food and for everyone who watched our little monkeys for so long. It is all very much appreciated. And thanks to Rand for sitting by me night and day. I know I am not pleasant when I am in pain. I don't mind if you slip yourself a few pills and take a break from this craziness. You deserve it.
Oh my Rachel! I am so sorry. That sounds terrible. Do they think after making such a mistake that you will be okay? Will you have stomach trouble and what about the orginal problem did that get taken care of? What a nightmare! I am glad that you are home resting. Good luck on your recovery and keep us updated!
Oh my goodness, Rachel! That sounds horrible. I'm so sorry you've had to go through that. So did they make a mistake during the first surgery? Did they clip the bile duct? I don't get what happened. Why would they not give you pain pills?! So many questions...Wish I could help somehow. Take care.
Rachel, I don't want you to think that I'm not alarmed because I'm laughing, because this would only happen to you.
That being said I'm glad your bowels are okay and hopefully you'll be able to poo normally still. Because that's important. If not, you should sue. I'll be a character witness if you want.
To answer a few questions, I will be fine once I heal and there won't be any long-term problems. The orginal surgery went really well and everything is good there. Ash, they did make a mistake during the first surgery, they just don't know how or when the cut was made. It was on the lower part of my large intestine. They didn't give me pain pills because everything was making me throw up and then my pottasium got low and made my heart got crazy. I only went without them for about a day and then they got things back to normal.
Kalli, only you would ask about my poo. Strangely, nothing was really affected that much so functions are normal. Now you know. I will keep you updated.
Wow! I am so glad you are doing okay. My prayers are with you.
What the...? Nothing like getting your large intestine accidentally lacerated. Goodness gracious. I hope you recover quickly and with as little pain as possible!
HOLY CRAP! I am SO sorry! I am glad you are doing well now...but still, HOLY CRAP!
i thought my homemade chicken and noodles would be in the list. ha ha ha ha hope u get better asap
Rachel!!! so sorry to hear about that!! terrifying and...inconvenient to say the least!! so glad you're recovering well!
also, i just read your last few posts and just about wet my pants! highlights included: everything about the prom dress, you getting scared in the xango spook alley, and max's chicken costume. really, i'm dying!
I have to go with Kalli on this one. This would only happen to you.
I'm so sorry! I hope you get plenty of time to recover before you have to start dealing with distributors again. ;)
let me know if there's anything I can do for you and your family. I would be so happy to help.
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