Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

A little boy in our neighborhood (who shall remain nameless) summed up Rand perfectly. He said "You are a nice daddy, my daddy is mean." So true (about Rand anyway, his dad is perfectly nice). And his kindness is matched only by his good looks. I love you Rand!
Happy Father's day to all the dads and stuff. Even the mean ones.
And Happy Father's Day to my Pops who taught me many things including, changing a spare tire, gutting a fish, a few swear words (okay, all of them), appreciating good music and movies, and that when an animal jumps in front of your car and you kill it, it isn't sad, it is just Darwinism at work (and in fact you have done the species a favor by weeding out the ones dumb enough to be in the way of your car in the first place). We visited this one together again on our way home from Fishlake yesterday. Happy Dad's day!

1 comment:

Andrea Templeman said...

You forgot to say "and I'd never have any fun with out him". Remember how he used to make us tell him that?
Happy Father's Day Lars! (and Rand too)