Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Heart Netflix

The best thing about maternity leave (besides not having to work, and you know...bonding with my baby) is my Netflix subscription. Between summer reruns and being up at all hours of the night, I'm pretty sure they are losing money on me at this point. I am really, really particular about the kind of movies I like. I will watch anything, but I only actually like and recommend about 10% of what I view. Here are some highlights. So take some time off work (have a baby if you need to) and watch these!

Special: This is probably one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.

The Visitor

Tell No One: I don't usually like subtitled movies (too much work) But this one was worth the effort.

I've Loved You So Long: I know, I know...another French subtitled film.

Frozen River: Really, really depressing. But I like depressing. And I liked this movie.


Heidi said...

my favorite was Comcast ondemand stars and encore :) Oh how I don't miss the 9, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5 o'clock feedings :)

Kalli said...

I kept my DVR in hot business during those days.

Netflix, we just rejoined. And I added a few of your suggestions to my que. The visitor was good, we liked that one too.

Chanin said...

I live for weekends and netflix. (okay....that was a bit dramatic, but I do love netflix.) Do you rotate through them so you have a new one each day. And have you learned the trick of adding an extra movie to your subscription right before your month renewal takes place. Then you can have one more out for the week and it only cost you like 85 cents.
Yeah, I'm a dork, but netflix has saved my sanity.

Anonymous said...

i love my netflix also! must tell me more about the movies! don't kill me but we just went and saw the new star trek movie and it was really actually good.

Karrie said...

Netflix is great. Especially when you want to watch a TV series. Thanks for this info. I will have to try some of them.