We went to the cemetery in a booming town called "Koosharem" where the first Schaugaards to come to America from Norway settled. This is my great-great-great Grandpa's grave who came to Utah with his family in the mid 1800's. He decided to change the spelling from Schougaard to Schaugaard. Hey Neils, while you were at it, couldn't you have taken out an "A" or two, and an "H", or maybe even a "U"? You go to all the trouble to change it and just make and O into an A? Really? You made my pre-married life sorta difficult.
There is this small town, Loa, where for years and years they have had this fake cop in a car on the side of the road. We got out and took some pics of the creepiest dummy cop in the world. I wanted to get in and get my picture next to him, but nobody would let me.
Those are great pictures! Um, Maura looks so mature! What the eff?! She is so pretty! Why no pictures of the faceplant? I hope you weren't hurt.
How fun! Other than the fake cop. You know how mannequins freak me out. In other news, you look beautiful and your kids are growing up way too fast!! 7 years old? That's ridiculous.
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