Monday, October 20, 2008

Crazy Pregnant Brain

What is it about being pregnant that makes me feel like I am losing my mind? I know I am scatterbrained on a regular basis, but I really feel like I am missing some very vital brain cells. Yesterday I rinsed my contact lenses out with cleaner instead of saline and I burnt the surface of my eye off (it still looks like I have a bad case of pink-eye). And today I forgot to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. I got out of the shower and went to blow-dry it and couldn't figure out why my hair was so greasy. I can't remember where I parked, or if the peanut butter goes in the fridge or the pantry, or my own phone number. Help me! This is a real condition-right?


Chanin said...

Oh, how I can sympathize. I remember that feeling. I once put a dish of peelings in the fridge that were meant for the garbage. I remember leaving a box of ice cream to melt in the back of the car. The list goes on.......
Let's just chalk it up the fact (and I'm pretty darn-tootin' sure it IS fact) that we give our precious brain cells to the growing parasite within us. It's a good thing those little parasites are so cute. Otherwise, they'd never last that first two years!

Kelsey K. Hartley said...

Oh man, pregnancy in my opinion is less than fun. I'm so grateful to be feeling close-to-normal in the 2nd trimester. I hope you're feeling well!